Ivy Networks

This video might save you thousands…

Ransomware attacks are growing a staggering 350% each year. And to make matters worse, 43% of all cyber-attacks are aimed at small businesses. Why? Because more often than not, they don’t have the budget or expertise to protect themselves.

Fortunately, knowledge is prevention in situations like this. Even if you don’t have an unlimited amount of money to spend on enterprise-grade security solutions, you’re able to stand a chance as long as your staff members are trained.

After all, human errors are the biggest vulnerability when it comes to staying safe online. Take a look at our training site where we outline 10 ways to stay safe online below.

Click Here To Watch Our Online Training

You never know… One of the tips outlined in the video might be just the thing to prevent you from becoming a victim of an attack that would otherwise cost you thousands of dollars.

If you have questions, hit the “reply” button and let me know.

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